Saturday, December 15, 2012


Daddy & His Boys 12.2.2012

Connor & Kayden

Sean & Kayden


Sleeping peacefully

Just 3 days old 12.3.12

Snoozing next to daddy

Sean, Connor, Kayden & Me :D 

too cute

getting burped by daddy 

making faces and hand gestures 

smiling in his sleep

Sticking his tongue out :D 

Saturday, December 1, 2012



Kayden Lucas Hatt

Born: November 30, 2012
Time: 8:04pm
Weight: 8lbs 5ozs
Length: 20.5 inches long
Head Circumference: 35cm

    Yesterday November 30, 2012 at 10:10 am, I was scheduled to see my Ob-Gyn office, after being in serious pain that was causing me not to get much sleep. I went 7 days with 27 hours of sleep... which was physically killing me... the baby of course was fine... but I of course wasn't to my DUE DATE 12.5.12 so they kept tell me there wasn't anything they could do... which left me in tears and tons of pain... so I seriously asked about switching providers because I wasn't getting anywhere and obviously three trips to either office and labor area wasn't giving them any idea of how much pain I was in. 

    After an hour of pure Hell and then some and getting told to head over to the ER to be evaluated... and of course being stuck in limbo for an thirty minutes... I was in pain and it wasn't getting any better... they hooked me up ... Baby's heart beat was beautiful and I was having contractions but only 10 seconds long that came 7.5 minutes apart ... it wasn't full blown labor... so after being watched and told I was seriously only 3 centimeters dilated and still only 50% effaced... they would think about doing a membrane sweep... well when they came back 2 hours later to check to see I was still in the same spot my Ob-Gyn said that he'd been talking with the office people and they came to realize that yeah I was in discomfort, yeah I'd been there back to back the last three days... they went over the inducing stage and plan... I was like okay ... so me being on the low side of the scale to possibly having a C-Section they went a head with it... we moved me from exam room 2 to delivery room 5 ... which wasn't bad we went from a super cold room to a mega hot room... but that was okay it kinda helped out.
     So around 1 pm we started pictocin (a drug to jump start contractions)... around 4 pm they came in to check me I was about 4 centimeters dilated and still only 50% effaced... joyful right... yeah it wasn't the greatest... so at that point they said we'll break your water... well I requested the epidural so we choose to give that to me first before we broke my water cause that can cause you to progress faster... and well yeah here's how the rest of the night went...

    We broke my water around 5 something in the evening because it took a little bit for them to get the epidural stuff ready and me into a position that worked... which was fine... by me... I was a champ I had gotten two other times no big deal... but this guy was awesome gave me epidural and cheered me on making me feel like I was human with needs ... so once we got me all numbed up we broke my water and they said we'd need a pediatric doctor when I delivered cause he apparently pooped in the womb and they wanted to make sure he was alright... so okay that wasn't normal but we'd live with it... around 6 pm they checked me I was only 5 centimeters dilated and still only 50% effaced not big deal they said they'd be back to check around 9/10 pm ... well Lorne decided to head out around like 8 pm to head to the house to get somethings well... I started feeling my contractions... and it felt like I had to take a poop, yes seriously (now here's were it's gonna get a little more than PG) so the nurse who was setting up for delivery... that we didn't think was gonna happen before 9/10 pm went and got the Ob-Gyn (who happened to by my actually Ob-Gyn Dr. Patton)... he came in and said well let's check you and I said okay and he was in complete shock cause it took me 1 hour to go from 5 to 10 and 50% to 100%  ... apparently I was ready and my body was pushing on it's own. 

    So we instantly I was told to watch t.v., play on my cell phone and all the nurses and doctors rushed around because we weren't ready for him to come and boy let me tell you he wanted OUT! It was bad because we all tried to contact my husband who was on his way home... he made it to 47 in Hadley and turned around... we all though we had time... well Kayden said nope I'm ready ... well right as we were about to start pushing my husband walked back in the door... he made it just in time ... I was very relieved that he was there for me... cause my mom & sister got to hold my legs while my husband cheered me on along with the nurse who help me crunch into a ball... within 4 pushes he was out... I tore a little but not enough to warrant stitches... but I am still on watch cause of my levels and the fact that I haven't been doing too hot with the lack of the bleeding... I passed a horrible clot that they call moderate and to watch out for cause if that came back I'd be hooked back up to a drug to slow down my bleeding... yikes makes me a little nervous. 

So we got to welcome little man Kayden Lucas Hatt at 8:04 pm last night... we barely had time to notify people that I was going to deliver... let alone give anyone updates to how I was doing cause it went so fast...

                All post pictures LATER!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

OMFG Baffled

Just Completely Baffled with my Ob-Gyn practice and well so is everyone else!

    Well I'm 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant with my third son as you all know... Well this am I was woken up at 3:30 with constant pain that wouldn't let up so finally around 5:23 am I called my Ob-Gyn on call office and waited a call from the on call doctor who told me to wait it out... At 5:30 am my on call doctor called me and I was on the phone with them for 8 minutes in tears being told we won't see you, your not in labor, your fine you just sick and it will go away well finally around 8 am after being in seriously pain and it not getting better I made my husband drive me to the ER, were it was a game of cat and mouse... seriously the most fucked up thing in the world... never been more confused on how people operate. So I do get up in the ChildBirth Center and they do the normal things... come to find out my Blood Pressure is was slightly elevated which then warranted them to do tests... JOYFUL right ... what would have happened if I just waited like I was told...?! Seriously I'm shocked... I'm 3 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced and am getting little to know sleep... in the last 5 days I've gotten 21 hours of sleep... My next appointment got moved from 12.4.12 to 11.30.12 but still I'm worried... I'm waiting till my husband gets home to call my Ob-Gyn office and find out what to do but still I'm a mom already but this is something I've never experienced. Well all keep you all updated ... hey Kayden maybe here sooner than his Due Date... cause if they keep telling me they won't do anything all go to Baystate... 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


39 weeks TODAY!

Wow, can't believe I made it this far, last pregnancy I popped at 36 weeks and five days pregnant but the pregnancy before that I popped at 39 weeks and four days pregnant so I guess it's not that far off... but this pregnancy has def. kicked my butt physically. 

Yesterday I had my weekly Ob-Gyn appointment but keep getting told I'm gonna go into labor I'm fine all go and won't need the next weeks appointment well yesterday at 4:30 in the morning I was awoken from a dead sleep with horrible contractions that last two hours and were steady but I rocked myself outta them because I needed to take my two older kids to the dentist. So all re-cap my lovely appointment for you!

Weekly Appointment Re-Cap

How far dilated: 3 centimeters
How far effaced: 50% 
Measuring: apparently my belly's messuring 37 weeks... I guess I'm starting to shrink in the belly department well yeah I'm not eating like I used to because I can barely do normal things :( 
How far in your pregnancy: 38 weeks and 7 days pregnant
Weight: 145 lbs
Blood Pressure: 122/72
Fetal Heart-Beat: was good according to the doctor who took three attempts in locating his heart beat... shocking since he normal hit's it first try

Discussion... since I'm not 39 weeks they can't do anything to help me... or even start to help induce me and I was in pain and almost tears... YIKES

This is what we came up with ... 
    if I don't go into natural labor before my next Ob-Gyn appointment on 12.4.12 they will strip membranes and I guess induce me from what I read on what that means... JOYFUL but if I go another three days with only 12 hours of sleep I'm gonna be calling, heck I can't sleep on my left side nor my right side anymore and sleeping on my back is tricky since I can't get out of bed cause of my belly. 

So today 11.28.2012 I'm still pregnant and I'm finally 39 weeks, I'm shocked I got like maybe 6-8 hours of sleep last night but that is def. something to be shocked about but it wasn't straight threw so I'm not completely shocked either. I've had a lot of lack of sleep lately and it's only gonna get worse after the baby comes yet I hope my dearest husband will help me out a bit more. 
I currently weigh as of this morning 144.5 lbs which is nice cause 44.5 lbs of that is gonna disappear shortly after the baby is born with some of the baby, placenta, and water retention yet most of it will disappear since I've got two other boys who will need me just as much as the newborn and with little family help all get stuck doing it all... sadly... Grrr... cause my husband ain't gonna be able to take much time off...

Well that's all for today... all keep you update pretty much threw out this LAST WEEK of my pregnancy! Can't believe it's almost over! Wait yes I can and I honestly can't wait... not cause I don't love my baby but because I'd love him to in my arms not my belly anymore! 

All try to post some pictures later!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pregnancy Pictures!

11.20.12 at my Ob-Gyn appointment 

11.20.2012 Thanksgiving Fun (early)

Who do we BLAME... we point to DADDY... aka the Camera Man

11.20.12 comfy cloths after eating turkey and having a semi stressful day

11.14.2012 *37 weeks pregnant* if my recollection is correct

11.16.2012 looking good 

11.16.2012 Hubby & Wife 

11.17.2012 *purple for Pre-maturity Awareness Day*

HELLO BABY BUMP 37 weeks and 3 days

36 weeks pregnant (HELLO BABY BUMP)

11.07.2012 *36 weeks pregnant*


OMG it's really here! 14 Day's left!

Only 14 Day's LEFT!!!!!
I'm 38 weeks pregnant with Kayden Lucas!

                  Well on November 20, 2012 at 11:20 am I had my weekly Ob-Gyn appointment yeah it was a little early but by one day since they had to reschedule my appointment...not sure why since they are still open this day... but either way I did get information that I wanted and then was left hanging on other information. 

          Well Ob-Gyn re-cap! 
Weight: 144 lbs apparently
Blood Pressure: 112/74 shockingly
Effaced: I'm assuming still 50% since I wasn't told anything
Dilated: apparently still 3 centimeters
(but the doctor could feel the baby's head)
Measuring at 36 weeks apparently... apparently I've shrunk
Heart-Beat: Sounds Good

Wow... what a great doctor ... like seriously gave me nothing to go on ... but I hope we don't see you Tuesday at your next appointment like really WTF. 


1. How far along are you? I am 38 weeks pregnant
2. What's your current weight? uhm since I did't weigh myself this morning ... we go with yesterday's doctors weight of 144
3. Did you gain, loose, or stay the same? def. gained some weight
4. How's your sleeping? what sleep when I get sleep I wake up sick 
5. When is your next Ob-Gyn appointment? November 27 at 4 pm with Dr. Patton! 
6. Are you experiencing any odd cravings? Nope
7. How is morning sickness treating you? I don't really get it unless I'm really sick
8. How are you emotions treating you? they sucks honestly I can't wait to be normal again
9. How's your physical appearance? I don't fit into much besides leggings and yoga pants with tank tops and really big hoodies, sneakers are fine and one pair of boots fits me ... yikes! can't wait to have my normal body back
10. Do you feel the baby move? Not as much as before since there isn't much room and he's in ready position
11. How big is the baby? I ain't sure but I'm sure he's gonna be bigger than Connor when he was born and I hope around the same size as Sean and not bigger... yikes!

38 weeks baby bump

side view of my bump first thing this morning

front view and yet you can't tell I'm pregnant (Gotta love black cloths)

Yup that's ALL BABY

Birds Eye View

Holy Baby Bump!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

hmmm questions?!


On November 14th, 2012 ... I was seen at my Ob-Gyn's office... I was 37 weeks on the dot! I even measured 37 weeks too! I lost a lbs or something they said... they also informed me that I was 50% effaced and 3 centimeters dilated. Well it's now November 17th, 2012 and I'm worried... I haven't popped yet I've had some really bad contractions on 11.14.12 that disappeared but last two hours... so I just pushed them off to braxton hicks contracts and just let it go, now I'm worried that it dilated me further, I've had wacky discharge but nothing to warrant the BLOODY SHOW... since it was yellow, white and little brown...nothing that was red to say hello it's time... or that my water broke. 

Well here are my questions I'm doing research online to see if I can find some answers but yeah this is harder than I thought since no one really has an HONEST and STRAIGHT forward answer. 

1. since i'm 3 centimeters dilated and already 50% effaced will i end up loosing out on receiving the epidural that i want to get?
2. when does active labor truly start (with my youngest... once my water broke my contractions got fast and stronger with in hours and he was out quick)?
3. do they stop giving the epidural at a certain point in dilation?
4. what if i'm 100% effaced on Tuesday at my next appointment and 5 centimeters dilated can I ask to have my water broke & the epidural if they stop giving it around 6 centimeters...?

This is my third pregnancy...
with your first pregnancy you dilate about 1 centimeter an hour but with your second it is 1 1/2 centimeters dilation with your second ... well this is my third so I'm worried ...

So if you mother's to be or mothers already have answers to my questions please feel free to post on this cause I'd love to know ... that way I'm not completely stressing out... 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Yay! I'm Full-Term *37 weeks pregnant*

Wow, I'm surprised I'm still pregnant, but never the less gives him more time to get ready for the outside world. I'm hoping that he comes soon though, he's been kicking my butt from the inside out. Well today's my normal weekly check-up at my Ob-Gyn's office, and actually I'm anxious to find out how far I'm dilated and if I have any effacement... basically to see how wide the cervix has opened then to see how thick or thin my cervix is. I'm hoping with all these on and off again contractions, pains that my body has some what gotten ready for labor cause dang if I have to LAST 3 MORE WEEKS they better be giving me a medical note for BEDREST so that some people can help me since most people just say they will and never actually do. Pretty messed up right... I have two other kids and myself I have to take care of... and a husband that works insane hours and if they tell me to rest, I'm probably gonna bust out laughing then cry since honestly there isn't a such word to a mother of two already. 

Well my appointment went awesome! I can't believe it went that well...I'm super happy yet super excited at the same time but I doubt that all be coming before Thanksgiving.

So let's do the fun stuff before we get into the details of my last Ob-Gyn appointment!

How Far Along Are You? I'm 37 weeks :D
Size Of The Baby? I measured 37 cm's which is great I'm right on spot!
Any New Symptoms? bloody noses, congestion, restless legs, and the all time favorite I don't fit anywhere in my house
What Are You Craving? chicken nuggets and rice slop (a soup that I make)
Total Weight Gain? for whole pregnancy 131 lbs
Movement? yeah not as much as before but he's still with me
Gender? BOY 7-16-12
Nesting? yuppers
Sleeping Well? nope
Buy Anything For The Baby? nope
What Are You Looking Forward To? his arrival, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
What Are You Enjoying Most/Least About This Weeks Pregnancy? THE LEAST: the lack of sleep, the congestion, being sick, and of course the pain... THE MOST: feeling the baby move when it doesn't cause pain, the one night I actually got sleep

Ob-Gyn Appointment Re-Cap!

Well today was my weekly check-up were I measured 37 weeks on the dot as I'm currently 37 weeks in my pregnancy. I have my normal weight check I lost some weight about a 1 pound they say they don't seem so worried but they don't think it's gonna harm me or the baby, as long as I don't loose more weight between now and delivery. Then we went on the normal pee in the cup so we can check for protein in your urine of course they attempted a test yesterday but it came back uncertain so they are re-running it today and all have results tomorrow after they examine them which is great and Holy Cow this kids doesn't like me eating and it's making me sad... yikes that could be another reason I lost weight. So then we brought me to the exam room, yay! To the fun stuff were we check your blood pressure which mines was a nice 112/70 we even got to hear his heartbeat today...after we did a tummy check to make sure he was still in ready position (which he's been in since about week 28-ish) and his HeartBeat was great! I was happy to hear it since he doesn't move like he used to since he's getting cramped but I'll have a good sized baby ... won't be as small as Connor but hopefully not bigger than Sean that would suck! Then we checked my cervix cause I've been having horrible contractions that caused pain... and wow while writing this either this kid doesn't like me eating or I'm having horrible contractions oh boy praying it's because caused by eating. So I have been informed that I am 3 cm's dilated! Yay! and I'm also 50+% effaced! They have an appointment for me on the 20th but they aren't sure I'm gonna need it... Lorne's sister say's I'm gonna go on Thanksgiving. I think like the doctors I might becoming earlier than that. Hey as long as it ain't tonight cause my husband wouldn't get there in time... unless it happened after 9 pm.

Well all try to post some pictures later! Have a wonderful day ... I'm gonna try to of course get this baby out... so walking, playing with my kids, and oh maybe a drive down a dirt road... then of course maybe some sweet spicy food! ... LOL the normal things besides fun fun fun. LMFAO

See ya soon!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yesterday's Failures

Well yesterday wasn't my greatest of day... actually it was better than Saturday but worse than Sunday. Saturday I was on my small sofa all day cause I just couldn't move, couldn't breath, and was just suffering. I mean I didn't want to panic or go back to childbirth center for nothing so I waited it out... since I had only been there Friday night.

So the next day the husband went off to work his normal 8:30 am until 6:00 pm ... except even though I felt like crud I managed to clean the WHOLE house before he got home so that we could just leave get WIC and come back eat and go to bed... even though I wasn't feeling well we needed to. But Sunday I felt a little bit better ... Sean got to go out and play with his cousins and their friends, Connor took a nice 3 hour nap that let me rest, I got dressed when he woke up and took him outside to visit with everyone and of course watch their stupidity. (Sarah if you want to know all fill you in on that...) Then we went inside and cooked dinner and had a small family dinner then sent the boys to bed... as soon as I asked for a foot massage the darn tone's went off for a medical call up the road. So I wait... rest and continue to get the boys to bed... around 9 ish/10 ish I climbed into the jacuzzi tub (no i didn't run the jets) but it was a nice warm bath... that seemed to help until I got out of the tub and couldn't walk, couldn't breath and just was plan miserable. So I asked my husband to come up and refill the humidifier, turn on the ceiling fan and massage my calves that felt like cinder blocks, yet he did one up and one down stroke ... what a nice husband NOT! cause the next comment was damn I feel like a fucking slave you always ask for this for that... but earlier on Saturday he texts me he doesn't get to rest before he sleeps... NEWS FLASH I don't get to really rest period... seriously WTF that's just not fair... I was told to take it easy by the doctor he was their... and I'm still doing more than I'm supposed to. Yeah talk about pissing a pregnancy woman off but that's a thing of the past that won't be forgotten kinda like his slave comment either.
So we roll into Monday... another night of shitty sleep filled with a day of contractions, pain, and leakage... that really didn't seem to add up. So after dealing with it all day and starting to get really uncomfortable and when my right leg went numb I decided to call my Ob-Gyn's office on-call center... they really didn't seemed all that worried that I was in pain, that I was leaking and so on... they do want me to visit them today to leave off some lab samples... great... then I still have to go back tomorrow for my normal scheduled appointment... ain't it lovely... I have to waist gas twice... Tomorrow all be 37 weeks all be full term... I am not seeing my normal Ob-Gyn either... but all def. be asking what my options are since I can't and refuse to go threw 3 more weeks of pain and suffering until this boy chooses to come especially when my husband works more hours now and I get no help.

So today the PFD tones went off at 4 am which woke me up in a startled way, which totally upset my body and Kayden. I was up when the Husband got back which he was gone for like an hour, I got to hear the wind, the rain and even see the sun attempt to come up, since I was up from 4 am till 8 am then once my oldest started yelling for dad at 8:30 am I kinda forced my hub's outta bed to deal with the kids... cause I couldn't functionally do anything cause I was so drained... yet
now I cough, can barely speak, can't breath, and have the worlds worst headache, no fever, ton's of aches and pains followed by contractions and pelvic pressure along with leaky discharge that's watery and sometimes yellow... except this headache/migraine ain't like any I've had before cause I'm sensitive to sound, light and movement... joyful right... NOT cause I doubt all get any answers for any of my sysmptoms... this SUCKS!

Well the office is closed for lunch from 12 noon till 1 pm so I'm stuck waiting till they re-open to of course go do my lab work... yet I feel like crap and just want soup and sleep and to have this baby outta me so I can take some kinda of medication to start feeling better since you can't take crap while your pregnant... BLAH
well that's the end of today's rant for now... all be back tomorrow or tonight depending on if I call the Ob-Gyn's on call service cause I can't take the pain.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hospital Bag Essentials (according to me)

Well since my time is coming to an end (pregnancy speaking) I'd thought I'd share some of my favorite item's to have while in the hospital... since this is my third pregnancy!

Some might find this useful, some might think I'm crazy and some might just ignore it!

-Medical Cards
-Cell phone
-Cell phone charger
-Camera/Video camera
-Camera/Video camera charger
-Laptop charger
-Snacks for after you deliver
-Birth Plan if you so choose to have one

now for the personal stuff...

-sanitary pads (can't use tampons)
-underwear (for those who didn't use it before by a couple pairs... trust me)
-comfy socks
-yoga pants
-big t-shirts (mainly for nightly sleeping)
-shorts (to sleep in too)
-sports bra's/nursing bra's
-hoodie/jacket (for when you leave)
-tank top or loose t-shirt
-some make-up cause yes you'll look like uhm well yeah ... ya'll know what I'm talking bout
-hair brush
-tooth brush
-tooth paste
-body spray
-hair ties (they are essential for mom's with long hair)
-glasses for those who wear them (contact lenses can be irritating)
-chap stick
-nursing pads (for those already leaky boobs- yup I just went there)
-comfy shoes... (sneakers, slipper boots, uhm depending on when you deliver really depends on shoes)

-Cell phone
-Cell phone charger
-Laptop Charger
-Money (cause you all know he's gonna get hungry)

now for the dad personal stuff
-shorts (hospital staff don't wanna see you in your undies... trust me neither do other patients)
-body spray
-sneakers or what ever you want

Baby Diaper Bag
-baby bottle
-baby outfit for going home
-baby onesi's
-baby socks
-baby jacket (depending on when they were born)
-baby bib
-extra baby outfit (just in case of spit up)
-baby formula
-bottle water
-baby blanket
-baby hat
-baby mittens

Well those are what I call my essentials... you can add or change them according to your needs... if you have children it's best that you pack a small bag of things for them to do when you deliver if none of you family can watch your children. 

Have a great night!

Wow... getting closer to the end... of this pregnancy!

Wow... didn't realize that I'm 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant ...

In my past pregnancies I remember in which stage I was in when I had each baby..
Sean was at 39 weeks and 4 days while Connor was 36 weeks and 5 days ... That's tomorrow!

According to my last cervix exam I was 2 cm's dilated... and Kayden's head was on my cervix... but as of last night ... holy cow talk about some seriously annoying issues... that have been haunting me all damn day.

-bloody noses
-lack of vaginal discharge (yeah this blog gets personal and down in depth)
-over all weakness
-bringing up stomach acid when I sneeze, cough or burp (thank you carbonated drinks- yet they are the only thing that feel good on a sore throat)
-when Kayden moves it hurts more than ever
-and vaginal pressure when I pee

JUST LOVELY right... I feel like I've been hit by a damn Mack Truck that has gone and thrown itself into reverse just to watch me suffer...  Oh well... if I'm still feeling crummy after my husband gets home from work (which ain't until 7 something I might call the on call service threw my OB-GYN office and see what to do to relieve some of the issues)

I must say that I've got the worlds greatest pets... my dog Hershey who's been at my side on the floor all day and my trusted kitty Twitch who's been curled up next to me the whole time... they even follow me around the house...
My oldest has been a great help when it came to understanding that mommy wasn't and isn't feeling to hot... and that I can't do much of anything today besides the basic mommy things... diaper changes, getting food, and getting drinks... he helped me with his brother... which was nice... he's now curled up watching Nick Jr on the big screen and his brothers napping... and I think might be waking up ... which isn't a bad thing since he's had like a possibly 3 hour nap... but we've all be dragging lately from the time change.

I am hoping that if I do call my obgyn's on call staff doesn't just blow me ... either... i hate that when they don't believe the patient and make them suffer... that's the worst... last time my obgyn was on call and he had me come in and told me straight up... but i don't know who's on today or tonight... but that's only if I call...
Well I'm gonna try to stay in a sitting up position, clear my sinus passage and chit chat with my oldest while the animals visit us ... oh and my house is nice almost 80-90 degrees so that isn't helping... THANK YOU COAL stove! As it heat's my house it also drys out my air causing some of my issues.... Grrrr

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cooley Dickinson Child-Birth Center Visit 1

Okay so yesterday after my OB-GYN visit... and having a rough time with little Mr. Kayden not moving much... even though he's a very active baby according to doctors from previous visit and him barely moving yesterday I called the on call service at 5:05 pm since the office was closed... Told them what was going on who I saw and what they told me to do if there wasn't much movement... not much movement but seriously was in pain and a pushing down feeling when I was doing things... from cooking, to cleaning to just walking... go figure... So I waited and ten minutes later my regular doctor... who happens to be my favorite called me asked me about my visit and I explained everything that happened and he was just as confused as I was... I explained what was going on ... I was told to eat and drink something with sugar... well yeah that didn't work too well... since no sooner did I get off the phone with them... and get in-touch with my mother I lost all power... we had no power for about a nice 45 minutes- ish ... WHICH SUCKED... since my oldest hates the DARK, my youngest could care less if it was day time or night time light or dark... he's just the complete opposite from his big brother.
So I finally eat and drink something with sugar...
Dr. Pepper 64 grams of sugar in a 20oz bottle yup... it was yummy! I ate some regular food... and some mints... that had some sugar in them ... yet no changes... I timed his movement since I got off the phone with the OB-GYN office which was at 5:30 pm and called them back around 9:01 pm and got a return call with in ten minutes and was told they wanted to see me for monitoring... they did monitor me for 20 minutes... then they said they were gonna do an ultrasound... that got me a little worried... the wanted to make sure he had enough fluids, that he was alright and that he was breathing ... first sign of distress is I guess they stop breathing inside you... something they don't really have to do inside you but helps them practice for when they come out... Kayden is in ready position ... his butt is up and we know it cause we hit it and he didn't like it too much he def. told us by causing some serious pain... which I informed the doctors and they said that was normal but to be careful... so after that they had me empty my bladder and get ready for another exam... joyful since I'm still 2 cm dilated and his head is DOWN on my CERVIX it's right there... so I guess for me a lot of walking, to try to push this little one out faster... I would love to get him out sooner rather than later... We did get discharged a little after 11 pm at which time I started to get hungry again. Grrr... it kinda sucked since I had only eaten like two meals yesterday... So we stopped at stop & shop and got some munchies and something to drink since we both started getting thirsty... well yeah ... let's just say my husband SHARED his Dr. Pepper with me in the car and in the bed last night so sleep was an object of the past. As soon as I went to lay down I got up to pee and realized I had a bloody nose... as it came dripping outta my nose...Grrrr they suck and are ten times worse during a pregnancy cause of the amount of blood the body produces... joyful... Well that's been my update for now... today's morning I've had some contractions nothing to get excited about but all def. keep you all updated... as I keep myself aware of everything going on. Today's just gonna be insane, long and trying for me... praying the person who's to help me doesn't back out on me... if they do I guess I contact my sister and she come's down from Greenfield to of course help because at least she won't bail out on me... unlike the last person who said she was gonna help and then bailed out on me hour before she was supposed to come and then thinks we will help her when she wants last minute FUCK THAT.. I'm pregnant and could give two shits bout your crazy, insane and annoying son. You should know your friends and know Lorne won't do anything unless talking it over with me... and we aren't a taxi service either!
Well I'm off to get the kids and myself ready cause we have to bring my husband his cell phone since he left it at home... Grr I wanted a mellow day... yup yeah right this SUCKS!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

OB-GYN Visit Wrap Up

11.8.2012 at 1:59 pm 

I'm 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant... or 9 months and a day! Either way today I got the clear from the Dr. I don't really like who WAS SICK to say the least that I could have Kayden! Yay... so the whole time I cried in pain last night/ early this am because it was semi snowing out and thought I had to keep him in I could have called and been seen... yeah at 4 something but hey. So at that time I was having cramps, contractions and pushing feeling and then lack of movement... they were a little concerned with his not so hyper self ... he's normally all about kicking the monitor as we check his heartbeat and all about moving away from it... yet today he just stayed still and moved twice... yikes but since I didn't wanna get stuck on a machine for an hour and a half and wasn't sure how long I'd have a baby sitter for... I told them I had to leave... well that right there was probably my WORST mistake... cause I was in mild pain when I left... it felt like he was gonna drop outta me... but I've been feeling that for awhile... I guess it's normal when you've had more than one pregnancy, but still it's very uncomfortable. Well I got some things to make lunch since I was told to go home, eat, and rest so that we could monitor him... well yeah I made food and ate and now I'm feeling 100 times worse than I did before I went to the appointment yet it feels like he's trying to escape... I just want him out... if I do end up calling and getting sent to the ER/Childbirth center all be demanding them to just help him come out cause I don't think I can go threw this on again off again teasing... especially with two son's who keep me on my toes as it is already... So now I'm sitting on my couch updating all my blogs... 

Well let's give a re-cap of what happened at my OB-GYN visit... 

Pre-pregnancy weight: 100 lbs
Pregnancy weight: 142 lbs
Pre-pregnancy height: 5' 4"
Pregnancy height: 5' 4.5" I apparently still have a little growing left in me
Pre-pregnancy pant size: 00, 0, 1, or if I was lucky a size 3
Pregnancy pant size: 5 or 7 possible heading to a size 9 that's depending on how much longer all be pregnant
So I've def. gained in some area's ... lol but I normal shrink back down after each pregnancy... 

Today's appointment was alright...
Weight- 142 lbs 
Blood Pressure- 120/72 
Symptom's- Anemic
Fetal HeartBeat- all I got was it was good... hmmm made me worry since he wasn't as hyper as he used to be... Dr. wants me to rest though and watch his movements...

** Well that's all for now... all keep you updated as the day goes on **

Rough Night & more to come!

Well last night I went to bed just a little congested ... it was around 11 pm... Wasn't too bad until I woke up with contractions, cramps and oh the wonderful bloody nose that lasted a nice 30 minutes. yesterday I hit my 9 month mark or 36 weeks...

Well my little boys who used to sleep in are now getting used to the time change and aren't sleeping in which was totally using to my benefit ooops! That was my bad... oh well we live, we learn and we move on!

Well today's been pretty easy for the most part... setting up the infant car-seats all post pictures they came out pretty nice... got them 100% clean! Yay! Can't wait to set up my car too... it's gonna be so nice...

Today we have my OB-GYN appointment at 11:20 am with a doctor I HATE! and an hour before that starts the window for the new propane company we are switching too... joyful so with in the hour of it I must leave for my OB-GYN appointment ... oh well my mother in law shall be here...

Well I must get myself motivated... and get Kayden to move around since he hasn't moved since 4 something this am... right before the contractions started... wonder if I'm gonna go into labor in the next 24/48 hours?!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

35 weeks pregnancy photo's :D

11.2.12 35 weeks and 2 days

11.4.12 35 weeks and 4 days

11.4.12 BABY BUMP 35 weeks & 4 days

11.6.12 Sean giving Kayden some LOVE 35 weeks and  6 days pregnant

Connor watching cartoons while using Kayden as a pillow  11.6.12

35 weeks & 2 days pregnant with Kayden Lucas ... anxiously awaiting his arrival ... any day now lil man!

Crib & Dresser... all we need is a changing table :D

Connor's crib that's being handed down to his brother ... I found all the pieces !!!! SCORE

The dresser that I'm using for Kayden's clothing & stuff :D

36 Weeks!!!!

Wow- Haven't done that in awhile...
How Far along? 36 weeks
Size of the baby? not 100% haven't had an ultrasound to tell me exactly how big he is... so I'd be guessing
Any new symptoms? pain when he moves around :(
What are you craving? my normal pickles, mashed potatoes and chocolate occasionally
Total weight gain? about 40lbs but I need to gain another 15 to hit my objected goal for a good size baby... everything I've gained is BABY!

Movement? oh yeah ... well kinda ... he's kinda cramped up inside me
Gender? BOY- 7.16.2012 is when we found out we'd have Kayden Lucas Hatt
Nesting? A LOT... and Lorne's starting to nest with me... kinda cute
Sleeping well? if you count getting naps through out the night sleep then sure... since I see more of the whee hours than I want...
Buy anything for the baby this week? nope but for me the weeks not over!
What are you enjoying the most/least about being pregnant this week? most the fact that he's due right around the corner, least the way I feel when I do too much :( Grrr

Next appointment is tomorrow at 11:20 am in Hadley at Woman Care OB-GYN and of course I'm seeing the one who's quick to get in and quick to get out and who obviously couldn't find my cervix the last time... like really WTF! But that's okay hopefully she will have results of the tests they took besides the iron test that I had and got back through the patient portal...

*all post pictures of this weeks bump up later...*

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Ugh I thought I was passed the stage of Morning Sickness... it seemed to have disappeared and I was completely happy with that... yet after eating breakfast I felt wicked sick and nothing helped... then got horrible cramps and pains... hello contractions... ugh seriously not what I wanted... not when I have so much to do today... from moving three dressers, setting up a crib, re-arranging the living room for the coal stove to keep all the babies warm with the upcoming snow were supposed to get ... watch all go into full blown labor tomorrow... JOYFUL right! NOT! I'm not 100% ready!

I tried eating my normal mints, drinking ginger ale and nothing worked... the end of this pregnancy is coming near cause everything I tried wasn't working... part of me wishes that I can pick a day & have my doctor help me move this along since I'm not getting much sleep and I've noticed that I am starting to accidentally does off during the day ... not sure if it's part of morning sickness but still it is followed by it...

Well I'm 35 weeks pregnant and 6 days pregnant! Can't believe all be 36 weeks tomorrow!

Wow... I really want this nasty morning sickness to leave... it's like I'm gonna get sick yet my body won't allow myself too because I never stop and then I wind up in the ER anyways... BLAHHHHH and their ain't no point in calling my OB-GYN cause they'd say drink fluids and lay on your left side... that's apparently the answer to EVERYTHING... even contractions... and lack of fetal movement... which happens when you know your gonna go into full blown LABOR... Kayden's got his time's of pure excitement and is quiet most the night and day except when he shifts every hour when I'm sleeping to make me get up and visit the bathroom... but he's def. dropped a lot in the last week... I can feel it ... it's like he's right there... which doesn't help cause feeling sick and like your gonna go into labor SUCKS!

------ Enough with morning sickness maybe I can get over it by changing the topic or something------

So what do I really need to accomplish today... saving the car-seats! Setting up the nursery! basically getting the bedroom ready!!! & getting the coal stove going... on top of voting today! Yikes yikes yikes! ugh every time i feel like i'm gonna burp gotta love being pregnant you stomach has moved upwards so everything is smushed up inside you so you can't help it but it feels like I'm gonna be sick... nothing's keeping my mind off it... YIKES... this officially sucks... it's not heartburn cause last I knew you couldn't get that from eating waffles... yikes yikes yikes... well I'm gonna get myself semi motivated to get ready to VOTE, get some soda for today's special lunch with my sis Nicky and the boys, then of course grab veggies for tonight's dinner... yummy... and it's something I know Kayden loves. Hoping for an easy day with this nasty case of morning sickness... can't wait to set up the nursery once they move the dressers I'm setting up the crib and the bedroom then attacking the master bathroom so that I can use it instead of the down stairs bathroom too! Gotta get myself a wall hanging mirror too! yay!

Well talk to you later and yes all post pictures!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Feeling very PRODUCTIVE

So yesterday I found two infant car-seat's that I'm going to try to save... hopefully I can!
We started working in the spare room... honestly it wasn't that bad as it was just really unorganized, now all we have to do is organize it and set it back to a functional storage unit for us... until spring of 2013.

So we decided not to move the master bed, just move three dressers around and put the baby on my side of the room since it was bigger and still gives up space to hide Christmas gifts and such. So really I'm looking at a completed project to be done possibly tonight or possibly tomorrow!

I'm still in need of a few things but heck now it's not that bad since I can knock off a crib, mattress and what not... I can set everything up... I'm very excited... yet I'm in the stage of my pregnancy were I want it done like now now now yet physically can't can't can't :(

Oh well all be back later to write more... gotta finish packing my Hospital Bag :D

Sunday, November 4, 2012



    Yay, I'm pretty excited that I found two baby car-seats from my previous pregnancies that I can hopefully save...

Well I'm 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant... I'm trying to get my lovely master bedroom set up as a bedroom nursery... I've already got ton's to do... like re-arrange the whole room! Yikes that's gonna be a total killer, but at least I can start tonight... and hopefully finish it tomorrow! I have to locate the cribs and pray we have ALL the pieces to put it together if not I guess we must go out and buy another one. Joyful! Right ... not really... we honestly don't have much I have very little left since people who gave me things for Connor took them back once he out grew them for other people... that kinda makes me upset... if I'd had known that I'd have gotten Connor his own stuff... Well at least I know I have some clothing from before that's safely boxed and put away in the spare room... which shouldn't be too hard to get situated since really it's just organizing the contents of the room... and moving a few things out of that room!

Hub's was supposed to have TODAY OFF but last minute hour before he got out last night tells me he's stuck working 11-6 today... Grrr ... blahh... so instead of doing it all today we have to start it half today and then finish it on Tuesday!

Well let's see this is what has to be done...

Master Bedroom/Nursery:

-move master bed
-move two dresses & convert one over for the baby
-set up a dressing room
-re-clean the master bathroom
-set up the crib/baby bed

Spare Room/Storage Room:

-move out mattress
-move out swivel chair
-re-stack and organize the boxes while finding the ones I need and move the new ones in

No before pictures because uhm, yeah I'm kinda sad that I started the projected and trashed the rooms... blahhhh oh well all def. take AFTER pictures though :D

I can't wait to have a functional bedroom again! That's also got a nursery attached... Ahhhh so soon and lil Mr. Kayden will arrive any day now... praying before the 20th or at least after it... but skipping the 15/16th completely!

& then Wednesday all be 36 weeks or 9 months PREGNANT! the doctor wants me to keep Kayden in until I'm 37 weeks which is the 14th... so if Kayden can kindly come the 16th that'd be great that way I could go home before my Thanksgiving on the 20th or come after the 20th that would be AWESOME too!

Well have a wonderful day and hope you enjoyed the extra hour of sleep you got ... IF YOU GOT IT... I know some parents didn't get it cause their kids got them up around the same time as before!

Buh Bye!

Friday, November 2, 2012

My Pregnancy Halloween Outfits!

Congratulations MAMA you didn't pop on Halloween! LMFAO 

Well this year I wanted to dress a baby... that was my first costume ... but my mother and sister didn't want to be seen in public with me so I decided to wear the Mod Cop costume that I wore when I was pregnant with my second son... hmmm guess it's a good thing I kept the outfit :D

I wanted to dress like a big baby... but yeah that wasn't allowed!

Pregnant Mod Cop! 35 weeks pregnant and still rocking Halloween Costumes!

Yeah I love to be a kid at heart... no wonder why my kids are always happy... it's because we do silly and funny things together that they'll always remember!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween all...
like I said some pregnancy baby bump photo's & of course some good ole HAPPY HALLOWEEN Pictures of me in costume!

35 weeks pregnant and look at that baby bump 

Holy Huge.... Look at that amazing baby bump... 

Preggo Mama at 35 weeks pregnant :D 

at my OB-GYN's office 10.31.2012

first halloween costume idea... going as a baby... yeah my family didn't wanna be seen with me :( SAD

so I went as a PREGNANT MOD COP!


check out my latest poll....
idea is kinda taken from my lovely Sarah... but kinda like the last one I had up that was removed by accident... lol

35 Weeks TODAY!!!!!

I've got only 5 weeks left until my due date! 

Well... let's see I'm 35 weeks pregnant, measuring at 34 weeks because last week we had some pregnancy issues... for one I wasn't eating much at all since I was having serious cramps anytime i ate... so today's first meal... Rice and Kalbasa... yeah probably not my smartest choice but I needed something fatty with something stable... 

OB-GYN Re-cap!

Blood Pressure- 112/70 (they said it wasn't bad it was good)
Weight- 140lbs (all fluids)
Dilation- I'm almost 2 centimeters 
Cervix- It's soft & low ....
Baby- he's been in ready position for awhile now... he's ready to come meet us all but I can honestly say all wait two more weeks... to make sure he's completely ready!
I do have to have some blood work done tomorrow since I wasn't able to get it done today! YUCK not fond of the Vampires as I call them but it's needed to make sure my baby is happy & healthy!

Well for the FUN STUFF

1- how far along are you... well I is 35 weeks 
2- what's your current weight... well 140lbs ALL BABY & BABY STUFF ... lol
3- did you gain, loose, or stay the same since last time... gained gained gained but it's all water ... they could tell it's in my feet & legs
4- how's your sleep... WHAT SLEEP that's something of my past
5- when's your next OB-GYN appointment... oh that's easy November 8th at 11:20am
6- experiencing any weird cravings... shockingly none anymore
7- how's morning sickness... it's great it's gone ... for now... lol
8- how are those funny pregnancy emotions... eeehhh they are alright
9- do you still fit into your pre-pregnancy stuff... (cloths, shoes, etc.)... eehhh not so much ... lol
10- do you feel the baby move.... oh heck yeah and it hurts like a WITCH he's got like NO ROOM and he's stretching me in ways I'm not supposed to stretch
11- how bigs the baby... well since their are no more Ultra-sounds... my apps say

Baby Center: doesn't have much room to move (well I know that) he's about 18 inches long and weighs about 5 1/4lbs pick up a honeydew mellon
Baby Bump: again doesn't have much room to move (well slap me silly and tell me something I didn't already know) he's about 18 inches long and weighs about 5.25lbs the sixe of a honeydew melon... really?!
What to Expect when Expecting: doesn't have much room to move at all... (oh more lord who really knew) he's about a good 20 inches long and is about 5.5lbs already ... won't get much longer but will def. be gaining some serious weight these next few weeks...

Well lets just say he's a hyper active baby who love's to dance, stretch and kick! I think he's gonna be here before his due date ... we've made it completely official his due date is 12.5.12 but with him being the way he is and my current stats yeah we see in the near few weeks! Let's just pray it ain't on Thanksgiving... all be very very sad... but very very happy too!

playing catch up

Let's play catch-up....

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 at 4pm I called my OB-GYN's office becaues I was having horrible pains, eating was making them worse & laying down wasn't at all helping me. I waited an hour for them to call me ... they never did... oh wait they did... they called the WRONG NUMBER! Then left a message for someone other than me until they got to the end and said sorry I meant Amanda. How do you make that big of a mistake.
So I did what I was told, eat more ( which made no sense ), layed on my left side which only upset Kayden more and cause more pain from him kicking and attempting to move, and of course watch out for contractions... joyful right... the pain got worse, the cramps stayed the same but since I was so afraid of being told the same thing over I never called I went practically a week with no sleep, delt with cramps that finally went away as of today...
So finally after being bent over in tears on Monday, October 29th, 2012 I called and spoke to someone ... they were gonna originally have someone call me back but said since I hadn't gotten much sleep and was in tears they could see me at 2:10pm and I'd see a midwive... I said okay ... got a last minute baby sitter for my two other kids and of course drove off in Hurricane Sandy's unwanted weather... was there for an hour... to find out from a docotor who I dislike because she never has answers, she is always in and out and very empty... that my cervix is closed, yet she really couldn't seem to locate it ... she cause more pain then a pap smear like seriously wtf ... how did you get to become a Ob-Gyn Dr. if you have no answers EVER! but was told my cervix was really really soft... some to do with past pregnancies but some to do with this pregnancy... JOYFUL right!

Well I then went to be observed ... it took TWO nurses to find the heart beat of Kayden... like really and when they did they had to constantly push into my stomach causing so much pain that I was almost in tears like really WTF your not supposed to make me hurt more... I was told some cramps were actual contractions while others were just cramps... I'm like so that mean's what... and I get an I am not sure we have no answers... GREAT just what I want to hear.

Well I tell them after they wanted to monitor me for a full hour that I need to get home to my other children cause I wasn't gonna sit in that pain, if it got worse I'd of course call back and come in and be seen. Well my husband got outta work early since EVERYONE had to be off the road by 4pm. So we both got home at the same time... I then tried to eat something and rest... I didn't eat much cause I was to sick... and upset with what I was told... But then later that night I got a call from WOMANCARE OBGYN asking me to confirm Wednesday's appointment... which brings us to today!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 (HAPPY HALLOWEEN)
I'm 35 weeks! I'm allowed to deliver at Cooley Dickinson Hospital if Kayden decided to come early... which I'm semi certain he will... He's being a pain and causing ton's of pain. It's very discomforting. I've also had two pregnancies pretty much back to back. Connor my middle son was born last year... I found out I was pregnant April 2012 only 4 months after my son turned one... normally it takes a full year for your body to completely BOUNCE BACK... for me to have a full year with no issues would have been MAY when I found out I was pregnant with Connor...

I have an OB-GYN appointment today at 1pm and of course all do another update then but I haven't had the greatest luck with my OBGYN office this time around, they've had no real answers to most my questions... which isn't reassuring at all ... makes me wonder... honestly.

All def. be updating some of the baby bump photo's cause you can see a def. drop in his position ... it's INSANE!

I'm honestly ready for him to be out... if they can't do a test to figure out if I'm gonna go in the next two weeks I'm gonna ask to be induced when I hit 37 weeks cause there is no way I can do this for 5 more weeks ... not with two kids I'd have to be placed on bed rest and get constant help with my other kids...

Well that's all for now... all see you later this after noon!